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Structural Barefoot Trimmer
Structural trimming focuses on reading the patterns of a horse’s whole body and how it relates to the hoof, rather than a primary focus on the hoof alone. This enables Casey to trim each horse as needed to maximize the mobility of a horse’s entire structure with the goal of improving overall vitality and quality of life.
Optimum structure and function will impact arterial blood flow at the level of the hoof.
Structural trimming an osteopathic approach to barefoot trimming can improve mobility in the upper limbs to provide better flow down the leg.
Barefoot Trimming and shoeing can help maintain proper circulation.
Mal-alinement of upper limb structures, loss of limb mobility, bad shoe set and poor hoof balance can alter blood flow leading to short or long-term problems in limbs and hooves. ​

Equine Osteopathic Bodywork
Listening to what the body has to say as a whole is how Casey has learned,
through her studies and experiences, to better support, rehabilitate and promote the self-healing process.
Making sure the horse is as comfortable as possible is paramount during the process of self-healing. As above so below means Healthy Posture equals Healthy Hooves!
The Osteopathic Principles
Structure = Function & Function = Structure
Unity of the Body
Parietal – Visceral & Cranio-Sacral Systems
If the body is working at it’s highest level the body can selfheal & maintain wellness
The “Arterial Rule”
What happens when the horse steps on the water hose - this can happen at ALL levels of the body
Expert Evaluations
Horse owners all over the world rely on Casey's expertise to make informed decisions about their horse's care and program. Whether you need an assessment in person or with an image or video, Casey is able to guide you to the right practitioner or plan of action.
In many cases, Casey can provide the service that your horse requires or even add your horse to the wait list for the Dynamic Postural Program.

Dynamic Postural
A Collaborative Approach
The combined expertise of Casey Jones and Jillian Kreinbring is a potent approach to re-educating horses in their movement patterns.
Assessing Movement
After receiving care that influences the
horse's perception of awareness, it is
important to address how the horse's brain has patterned movements in order to repair the foundation of stability and control
for improved safety and results.
Repatterning Process
Casey and Jillian apply practical techniques to balance the cybernetic and global muscles thereby developing new neural patterns for dynamic posture.​
Horses selected for this program will receive the personalized care from Casey and Jillian on-site at their farm in Boerne, Texas for a minimum of three (3) months.
During the last week of the program,
owners experience an integration to their horse's education.

“So often we horse owners have to rely on several individuals to make up our horse’s “team.” With Casey, you get a team of specialists in one person! She is so unique in that she combines her background as a vet tech, an osteopath, and a farrier along with her extensive knowledge of nutrition and even homeopathy. Casey is also one of those rare experts who is able to explain her methods in a way that any layman can understand. It is wonderful to spend time soaking up wisdom from Casey and Jillian together - they make a very powerful team!
For each of my horses, Casey has made a difference, not only in their movement but in their mental and physical wellbeing. The improvements that I’ve witnessed often start with the hoof, but since the hoof is completely affected by nutrition and posture, it is so helpful that Casey can create a protocol to address the whole horse. We need more people like Casey in the world who want to dedicate themselves to this logical and essential way of looking at the horse.”
- Hazel Clinton
Learn More About Casey's
Education and Experience
Equine Osteopathy, EDO® is a specific application of principles and standards developed in human osteopathy, translated, adapted and modified to the unique structure and physiology of the equine.
Dr. Andrew Still developed osteopathy as a treatment method for humans in late 1800, s. It’s a system of engineering that communicates with the whole body. As an art, science, and philosophy in scientific principles based with knowledge of structural and functional anatomy of the bones, muscles, circulatory and nervous systems. The goal of the osteopathy is to balance and harmonize the body to self-heal or self-correct.
What is an Osteopathic Joint?
Where two anatomic structures meet, and motion takes place between those two structures.
Fascia and Tissue
Everything is linked and interconnected from the naked eye to microscopic. We are shaped by this fiber network at every level from to superficial to deep. We are all living matter, organized by an irregular network of tissue.
Barefoot Trim
Barefoot trims are a natural hoof care approach to high-performance hooves reducing the need for shoes.​
Dr. Glen Anderson speaks about how the farrier really doesn’t affect the blood flow through the digital vessels coming down the limb but trimming and shoeing can certainly impact the circumflex artery at the toe.
– Glen “Andy” Anderson DVM member of the International Equine Veterinarian Hall of Fame – American Farriers Journal ​
Deep Dive
If you would like to dive deeper into the world of posture from a hoof care read “The Horse’s Foot as a Neurosensory Organ”
by Dr. R.M. Bowker
at Michigan State University

Equine Trigger Point Myofascial Therapy
Fascia or Connective tissue supports the organ, nerve, and vascular systems. It makes up a high proportion of body mass, reaching through all body elements like a supportive net or spider web. – The Endless Web: Fascial Anatomy and Physical Reality.
We are a multi-dimensional layered web that can become knotted into myofascial pain – Myofascial Release is a great single hands-on way to address the fascial system.
Tigger Points are a secondary source of myofascial pain due to shorting of muscle fibers causing breakdown of body systems, structures and functions. All muscle tissue is prone to developing trigger points. Long term referred pain from a trigger point can greatly affect the structure and function of the body.
Muscles and connective tissue trigger points can occur in several ways:
Repetitive Overuse (over schooling movements and patterns)
Restricted Movement (examples: side-reins, martingales, tie downs & gags)
Direct injury
Lack of activity like stall rest or no turn out
Unhealthy Posture
Unhealthy Hooves
Poor Saddle Fit
Poor Dental
Muscle clenching & holding due to mental/emotional stress or travel
Flowtrition is a gentle touch that allows for the integration of life experiences stored in the body as tension.
It is a means of finding the touch, nutrition, and thoughts that encourage growth and evolution of the individual.
Flowtrition seeing the body as perfection without judgment. The purpose is to connect with a light touch and let the nervous system decide what it wants to do next. Flowtrition allows the body to learn and respond in the most effective manner to it’s environment.
Allowing the body the opportunity to make changes from within. The healthier the nervous system, the healthier the communication.
Dr. Lance Wright
is a wonderful vast bank of knowledge. His touch and abilities go beyond as a doctor and teacher. I encourage everyone to attend Flowtrition classes & events for their own personal health and wellness and for loved ones. Dr. Wright’s practice also includes Food and Chemical Sensitivity and Genetic Nutrition.